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The Art of Flirting – C

C is for Confidence

Today’s letter is C and the topic is Confidence. Confidence is actually the most important factor underlying all flirting. It keeps your moves fun, rather than sleazy. If you have tons of confidence naturally, you are well on your way. If not, adopt the mantra – fake it ’til you make it. Tell yourself you are confident. Make yourself believe it.

Here’s what will happen: Your back will straighten. Your shoulders will push back. You will stand a little taller. Your arms will hang loosely. Try this pose where you convince yourself you are confident. Then cross your arms in front of yourself. See how you already feel less confident, more confrontational? Now slump your shoulders deliberately. Do you still feel confident? You don’t look it.

 A confident person walks more quickly than the average person, but blinks fewer times. Both of these moves are things you don’t normally think of, but try practicing them so they become body memories to you. (You don’t need to rush in a pushy way, nor should you stare. That’s why practice is helpful.)

 Smiles are a different post, but remember this. A smile goes a long way toward expressing confidence and helping you actually feel more confident. Try it at a time when you don’t necessarily feel like smiling. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.

People are drawn to confident people. Remember this fact if your goal is to attract someone.

Continue on: D is for Dancing

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